How to download student submitted papers in Blackboard

Download Student Submitted Papers from Blackboard

In your Blackboard course, click on Grade Center > Full Grade Center.

screenshot of blackboard course management menu with "Grade Center" and "Full Grade Center" highlighted in a red rectangle


Click on the gray drop-down circle next to the column header of the assignment that you would like to download. Click on Assignment File Download.

screenshot of assignment options with "Assignment File Download" highlighted in a red rectangle


Click on the assignments you would like to download [1]. Clicking the top-most checkbox selects all the assignment submissions. Click Submit [2].

screenshot of light of assignments with two selected. The checkbox areas are highlighted in a red rectangle as well as the Submit button in the bottom right hand corner.


Click on the link to download the .zip file containing your assignment submissions.

screenshot with link "Download Assignments Now" highlighted in a red rectangle


A popup window will appear. Click on Save File [1] and press OK [2] to save your .zip file to your computer. It will most likely be in your Downloads Folder.

screenshot of assignment export file popup window with "Save File" and "OK" highlighted in a red rectangle


Right-click on the Blackboard Gradebook exported .zip file. Choose Extract All...

screenshot of the Assignment Export File "Extract All" option highlighted in a red rectangle.


Click on Extract.

screenshot of a popup with "Extract All" highlighted in a red rectangle


The extracted folder will have two versions of each submitted assignment: A plain text document version and a version that is in the original submitted file format. One student's assignment is a PDF file because that is the format the student submitted the assignment [1]. Another student's assignment is a Word Document because they submitted a Word Document [2].

screenshot of the extracted assignments with one student's assignment text file and PDF file highlighted together and a separate student's text and word document highlighted together