How to download student submitted papers in Blackboard
Download Student Submitted Papers from Blackboard
In your Blackboard course, click on Grade Center > Full Grade Center.
Click on the gray drop-down circle next to the column header of the assignment that you would like to download. Click on Assignment File Download.
Click on the assignments you would like to download [1]. Clicking the top-most checkbox selects all the assignment submissions. Click Submit [2].
Click on the link to download the .zip file containing your assignment submissions.
A popup window will appear. Click on Save File [1] and press OK [2] to save your .zip file to your computer. It will most likely be in your Downloads Folder.
Right-click on the Blackboard Gradebook exported .zip file. Choose Extract All...
Click on Extract.
The extracted folder will have two versions of each submitted assignment: A plain text document version and a version that is in the original submitted file format. One student's assignment is a PDF file because that is the format the student submitted the assignment [1]. Another student's assignment is a Word Document because they submitted a Word Document [2].